Newsletter Updates

Greetings SEMC,

We have a number of highlights and events going on over the next couple of months.  We invite you to check out some of the information below. 

Passing on the Faith & Communion – May 26

This Sunday we will continue our sermon series Passing on the Faith.  If you missed the previous sermons in this series you can find them on our YouTube channel.  This week we will explore how to pass on the faith to our friends, neighbours, co-workers and others in our lives.

This Sunday we will also celebrate communion together.  We invite you to prepare your hearts as we look forward to participating together.

The Persecuted Church Presentation – May 25, 7:30-8:30pm

This Saturday, May 25th, from 7:30-8:30 representatives from an organization called Open Doors will be visiting SEMC.  Open Doors is an organization which focuses on supporting persecuted Christians around the world.  Open Doors will be giving a presentation on the persecuted church in North Korea, here at SEMC in the youth room. Anyone in the congregation is invited to attend. Email jmarchand@semconline.com if you have any questions.

Prayer Gathering – Sunday, May 26, 7:00-8:00pm

You are invited to join us for prayer this Sunday evening.  Our prayer focus will be connected to our current sermon series.  We will be praying for our children and youth, for parents as they raise their children and for our ministry leaders.  We will also be praying for our family members and friends who do not yet know Christ.  Even if you feel uncomfortable praying out loud you are welcome to join us in silent prayer or by listening to others pray. 

Church Picnic @ MHV – June 2, 10:45am

Our church picnic is just over a week away.  This year it will take place at MHV (Mennonite Heritage Village).  Here are a few details:

  • Gathering time & coffee before the service – 9:45-10:45am
  • Worship service – 10:45am
  • BBQ Lunch – following the worship service
  • Games, Fellowship & invitation to check out the MHV grounds – after lunch

Note: Since we are meeting at MHV there will be no livestream available. 

Story Night – June 9, 7:00pm

This missions-focused Story Night will feature a guest speaker from SAT-7, a Christian multimedia ministry that serves the Middle East and North Africa.  Their content reaches viewers in Afghanistan and Iran, including programs supporting isolated believers and the underground church.  We look forward to hearing about how God is working through this unique ministry. 

This Story Night will also feature our Afghan family, the Moradis.  We look forward to having them share their faith stories with us.  

SEMC Financial Update

Thank you for your faithful giving!  It is exciting to share that our giving is ahead of last year at this time.  However, you will notice we are still a bit under budget.  If you have any questions or would like further information please contact the office. 

  • Offering Year To Date Last Year – $186,071.69
  • Offering Year To Date – $216,562.59
  • Budget Year To Date – $276,390.28
  • (Shortfall) Surplus To Budget ($59,827.69)

Upcoming Events

  • May 25, 7:30 – Persecuted Church Presentation
  • May 26, 7:00 – Prayer Gathering
  • June 2, 10:45am – Church picnic at MHV
  • June 9, 7:00pm – Story Night
  • June 17, 7:00pm – Membership meeting
  • July 7-11 – VBS (You can register your children today and sign up to volunteer)

Blessings to you and your families!    

Pastor Jason

On behalf of the staff at SEMC

ReplyReply allForward

Greetings SEMC,

This is an exciting time of year!  Spring (officially) is right around the corner, Easter is almost here, the youth are heading out on their mission trip today and there are all kinds of upcoming events.  We invite you to keep reading for some details about what’s going on over the next couple of weeks.

Prayer Gathering – Mar. 24, 7:00pm

You are invited to join us for our next prayer gathering this Sunday from 7:00-8:00pm in the sanctuary.  Hope to see you there.

Resurrection Season

The Resurrection season is the pinnacle of our church calendar!

Our Good Friday service will take place at 10:00am (Mar. 29).  We will be participating in communion together as we reflect on our Lord’s love and sacrifice.

Then, on Sunday, Mar. 31 we have a wonderful service planned where we will gather again to celebrate our risen Saviour.  Sunday school: 9:30; Worship service: 10:45.

Baptism & Membership Classes

Interested in being baptized, or if you are newer to us and have already been baptized, are you interested in becoming a member at SEMC?  We will be starting a six-week class March 31.  Our baptism and membership transfer service will take place May 5.  Please contact the office by replying to this message or you can contact one of the pastors to sign up.

Youth Mission Trip – March 22-28

This afternoon our youth are leaving for Winnipeg for their upcoming mission trip.  We invite you to be praying for this group as they anticipate this very life-impacting event in their lives.

Upcoming Events

  • April 14, 7:00pm – Story Night with Andrew Reimer (Inner City Youth Alive) and Michael Pasloski (Freedom Bound prison ministry).
  • April 28, 12:00pm – Newcomer BBQ
  • May 4, 9:00am – Pick Up & Walk

Scent-Free Request

We have a number of people in our congregation who are sensitive to strong scents such as perfumes and colognes.  In an effort to be welcoming and considerate to others we would like to invite you, our church family, to consider going without strong scents such as perfume, cologne and other strongly scented body sprays/products.  Thank you for your help.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason

On behalf of the staff at SEMC

Greetings SEMC,

The world needs Jesus!  This is evident everywhere we look – from our families, neighbours and co-workers to the nations around the world.  The conflict in Israel and Gaza is the latest example of this.  And while this situation may look clear and simple to some, it is far more complex than many people realize.  I (Jason) remember learning about this generations-long conflict while on my trip to Israel in 2019.  Last week, in an effort to further understand the conflict, I listened to a helpful 2 hour long podcast by Preston Sprinkle where he interviewed a Palestinian Christian.  In this podcast conversation, the hosts offer a 150 year historical and political overview of Jewish and Palestinian relations, which has led to the recent war in Gaza.

As this war rages on, how do we pray in such devastating circumstances?  Here are a few ways you can pray:

  1. Pray for the Israeli families who mourn for loved ones who were killed or taken hostage.
  2. Ask God to protect innocent people during this conflict.
  3. Pray for those in Gaza who have been driven out of their homes.
  4. Pray for the Church in Israel and Gaza – that they would be salt and light in this time.
  5. Pray that, somehow, God will work through this situation to bring more people to Him.
  6. Pray that evil ideologies will be exposed and gospel truth will prevail.
  7. Pray for what only God can do: bring justice, peace and reconciliation to a conflict much older than we are.

New Youth Pastor has started!

We are excited to announce that our new youth pastor, Justin Marchand, has started!  He is excited to be leading and ministering to our youth and youth leaders.  This Sunday we will officially commission Justin into this new role as our youth pastor.

Also, if you would like to connect with him or invite him over for a meal/coffee/dessert send us a message and we will help make that happen.  You can also contact Justin directly: jmarchand@semconline.com.

Justin is also currently looking for a place to live in Steinbach.  If you know of a good place for rent please let him know.

Baptism Sunday – Nov. 19

Our baptism service is coming up soon!  We are excited to witness three people take this step in their faith: Ryan Brandt, Jamie Reilly-Kehler and Jordan Beaulieu.

Who’s Coming for Supper?

A couple of weeks ago we shared an opportunity to practice hospitality with more of our church family by promoting this event: Who’s Coming for Supper?  Here is how it works:

  1. You join by filling out the form below.  Anyone can join – younger, older, couples, singles…
  2. You will be formed into groups.
  3. Those willing to host will arrange the date to meet.
  4. Meals can be potluck or planned on a theme.

The first groups have already met.  If you missed the opportunity and would like to participate you can do that by responding to this email with the following information:

  1. Name(s)
  2. Phone/email
  3. Are you willing to be a host?
  4. Any allergies?

Danny Plett’s Christmas Concert – Dec. 22

Here is an upcoming event to put on your calendar.  On December 22nd we are hosting the final concert in Danny Plett’s Christmas Tour!  With a full band and choir, we’ll sing and play mostly original music from Danny with some other Christmas music as well.  We hope you can join us along with many from our Steinbach and area community.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason

On behalf of the staff at SEMC

SEMC Connection – AUGUST 24, 2023

Greetings SEMC,
We hope you have enjoyed a restful summer and are looking forward to fall.  We have a number of upcoming events to make you aware of.  Please keep reading to stay informed.
Leadership Development Day – Saturday, August 26 9 AM – 1 PM
Join us for a morning of vision casting and equipping SEMC volunteers to serve as leaders.  This morning is for ALL SEMC volunteers or those wishing to serve!
Life Group Leaders, Sunday School Teachers, Youth Leaders, Church Council, Trustees, Spiritual Life & Care, Welcome Ministries and those in Worship Arts.
RSVP TODAY by emailing the Church Office (Please list any allergies)
Pastry Breakfast, Coffee Break and Lunch will be provided.
Afghan Cultural Training

The Sponsorship Committee is hosting two Information sessions regarding welcoming our family from Afghanistan. This will be a time of information, updates, and FAQs. Andrea Dyck will also join us to offer some cultural insights.

  • Sunday, August 27 immediately after the Church service in the chapel.
  • Wednesday, September 13 7:00 PM in the Youth Room.
Also, the sponsorship committee is looking for 3 bedroom housing for our family.  Please pray for this need.
Danny Plett’s Christmas Choir – Sign Up Today!
On December 22nd of this year, we are hosting the final concert in Danny Plett’s Christmas Tour! With a full band and choir, we’ll sing and play mostly original music from Danny with some other Christmas music as well. The first rehearsal is coming up quick, so sign up today by replying to this email, if you’re interested! All rehearsals are Thursdays from 7-9 PM the following dates:
September 7
September 21
October 26
November 9
December 21 (dress rehearsal)
Kickoff Sunday – September 10
 9:30 AM Coffee Time
10:30 AM Parking Lot  Worship Service
11:30 AM Pizza Lunch 
Bring your lawn chairs and stay for games and activities after lunch!
We are looking for some volunteers to help run the games as well as donations of

gently used stuffed animals, games, toys, action figures, etc. for our prize tent!
Items can be dropped off at the church office until Sept. 3. 

To volunteer, sign up at the Connect Center or email the Church Office.
Mom’s Morning Out & Kindle Kids – September 14
Calling all mothers of babies and school age children! If you are looking for a place to connect with other moms and be encouraged in your walk with the Lord, join us this fall at Mom’s Morning Out. Drop off your kids in the basement nursery classroom for Kindle Kids and join the moms in the basement classroom for Mom’s Morning Out. We will meet every other Thursday starting on September 14th at 10:00-11:30 AM. This ministry will be a time of prayer, devotional, and fun events… crafts, coffee/tea and snacks, advice from a public health nurse, parenting tips and advice, and more! Join us for our kickoff September 14th for specialty teas and coffees and some get to know you games as we fellowship together. Invite your friends!
For more information contact Amy Braun (aabraun@outlook.com), Lisa Martens (lisaandmatthew2013@gmail.com), or Priscilla Hagen (priskoe@gmail.com).
Important Dates!
Junior Youth Kickoff (grades 6-8) – Tuesday, September 12 @ 7 PM
Senior Youth Kickoff (grades 9-12) – Thursday, September 14 @ 7 PM
Young Adults (ages 18-25ish) – Saturday, September 16 @ 7 PM
More details to follow in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
Blessings to you and your families!


Greetings SEMC,

We hope you are enjoying the warm weather and spending time with family and friends.  Here is a bit of an update on what is going on at SEMC.

Worship Service – July 30, 10:00am

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Prov. 22:6).  This is a wonderful verse and great wisdom for parenting and raising children.  But, as exciting and rewarding as raising children can be, it is not easy and can also lead to frustration and disappointment.  And so, how do we do this?  You are invited to join us this Sunday as we explore this topic together.  This Sunday Pastor Jason will be bringing the message.

Call to Prayer – Sunday, 9:15-9:45am in the chapel

We are still waiting for our Afghan family to arrive.  Our Afghan sponsorship committee and Global Missions Committee would like to invite you to join them for prayer as we bring this need before the Lord.  There will be a prayer time this Sunday (July 30) and next Sunday (Aug. 6) before the service from 9:15-9:45am in the chapel.

Parking Lot Update

Work on the parking lot is well underway.  Due to the rain this past week it is doubtful that it will be completed before Sunday.  Additional parking is available at Shoppers, MJ’s and along the street.

Also, you are invited to give to this project.  You can do this by designating “parking lot” in the memo line on your cheque or online.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Youth Pastor Search Committee Update

Things are underway as the Youth Pastor Search Committee has started meeting. The job posting is up and they have begun receiving resumes. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Summer Children’s Programming

This summer SHINE (ages 3 to Kindergarten) and IGNITE (grades 1-5) will run throughout the whole service.  Here are the dates for the upcoming children’s ministry services: August 13 & 27.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason

On behalf of the staff at SEMC


Greetings SEMC,

The snow is here and the days are getting darker and colder. While we have many things to be thankful for, these are some of the challenges of living in Manitoba. These cold and dark days can cause people to feel discouraged. But one of the most wonderful gifts God has given His people is the Church – one another! God has designed us to live in community and walk with one another in this life. With that in mind, we invite you to join us for some of the upcoming events over the next month and a half. Let us be a blessing and encouragement to one another. Keep reading for details about some of our upcoming events.

Upcoming Worship Services

This Sunday, Nov. 20 we look forward to having Adult & Teen Challenge lead our worship service. They will be bringing the music, testimonies and a message.

Following that, on Nov. 27, is the first Sunday of Advent! It’s hard to believe this season is here already. The Eastman Male Choir will be bringing the music, the Goncharova girls will be sharing a bit about their recent mission trip to Ukraine and Pastor Jason will be bringing the message.

Shine & Kids Church

Shine kids (age 3-Kindergarten) takes place every Sunday morning during the worship service.

Kids Church (grades 1-5) takes place twice per month. The next one is this Sunday, Nov. 20.

Children will be dismissed part way through the service.

Senior’s Fellowship Lunch – Dec. 1

Seniors, you are invited to the next senior’s fellowship lunch on Thursday, Dec. 1. Please RSVP by Sunday, November 27th at the Connect Center or by calling the church office. Cost is $8.00 per person

Laughing All the Way – Dec. 4

A Christmas comedy and carols experience with Leland Klassen and Dan Macaulay. The event is Sunday, December 4 @ SEMC. You can click on the link to view the promo video and get tickets. This is a great event to attend with your Life Group and/or bring your unchurched friends. Tickets are about $20 each.

Baptism & New Members Class – Dec. 11

A Baptism/New Membership Class is being planned for Sunday, Dec 11, immediately after the service. Lunch will be provided. All those interested in attending please contact the church office to register.

Christmas Program – Dec. 18

Our children at SEMC are planning a Christmas program that will take place during part of the Sunday morning worship service on Dec. 18. For privacy reasons the children’s program will not be visible on the livestream, but those watching at home should still be able to hear that portion of the service. The sermon will be visible for those watching/listening at home.

Parents, here are a list of days and times the children will be rehearsing:

Sunday, Nov. 27 (dismissed partway through the service)
Sunday, Dec. 4 (dismissed partway through the service)
Sunday, Dec. 11 (dismissed partway through the service)
Monday, Dec. 12, 6:00–7:00pm (1st dress rehearsal in the sanctuary)
Sunday, Dec. 18, 9:15am (2nd dress rehearsal in sanctuary)
Sunday, Dec. 18, 10:45am – Christmas Program!

Christmas Day worship service – Dec. 25, 10:00am

This year Christmas Day lands on a Sunday. There will be no Sunday school this day (or on January 1). Please note the start time for this service will be 10:00am. We look forward to worshipping and celebrating our Lord and Saviour together!

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason
On behalf of the staff at SEMC


Greetings SEMC,

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

The world is filled with all kinds of things that can cause us to complain and lose sight of the goodness of God and the many blessings He provides.  Throughout the Old Testament one of the ways God instructed His people to be a thankful and generous people was by instituting a variety of feasts throughout the year.  These feasts commemorated big moments and reminded the people that God is the great provider.  As we look ahead to this Thanksgiving weekend let us remember and give thanks for who our God is, for how He provides and all that we have in Christ.

Thanksgiving Lunch – Oct. 30

You are invited to join us for our upcoming Thanksgiving lunch, October 30 after the worship service.  Our purpose is to celebrate and give thanks for the many ways in which God blesses us through the SEMC family.  There will be a Thanksgiving offering that will go toward the Afghan Refugee family and OHE (orphanage in the Congo).  We invite you to come prepared to give toward this.

We are thankful to the Afghan Refugee Family Committee and the Global Missions Committee for partnering together to put this event together.

We invite you to get involved by helping set-up, serve and clean-up.  This is a wonderful way to rub shoulders and get to know one another better.  Please let us know if you are able and willing to serve in this way.  Some specific areas to get involved include:

  • Saturday, Oct. 29, 2:00-4:00pm – Join the Afghan Refugee committee to set up
  • Sunday, Oct. 30, 9:30-12:30pm – Food prep
  • Sunday, Oct. 30, after the meal till about 3:30pm – Kitchen Clean up

There will be a sign up list at the Connect Center on Sunday.

Shine & Kids Church

Shine kids (age 3-Kindergarten) takes place every Sunday morning during the worship service.

Kids Church (grades 1-5) takes place twice per month (October 9 & 23).

Children will be dismissed part way through the service.

Kindle Kids

An interactive 10 week program for kids ages 0 – K with craft, story time, devotional, sensory play and snack.  A place where families are encouraged and empowered to connect with their kids in a Godly and creative way.

  • Where: SEMC Downstairs Nursery Department
  • When: October 13 – December 15, 2022
  • Who: Families with kids ages 0 – K
  • Time: 9:30-11:00 am

Sunday school – 9:30AM

We have Sunday school for all ages every Sunday at 9:30, before the worship service.  We also currently have five adult classes taking place. 

  • Foundations: Core Truths of the Bible taught by Pastor Garth
    • Interested in baptism?  We invite you to talk to one of the pastors and join this class. 
  • Gospel of John taught by Arden Thiessen
  • She Reads Truth – a ladies class taught by Arlene Riedeger and Heather Wiebe
  • Mixed Adult class taught by Harold, Randy and Steve
  • Parenting/Caregivers Class taught by Andrea Dyck
    • Still a few weeks left in this class.  This class is open to any caregiver or anyone who wants to learn more about it. 

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason
On behalf of the staff at SEMC


Greetings SEMC,

We hope you have all had a great summer!  Kickoff week has arrived and we are excited to be launching a number of programs this week.  We are also actively working on a few others which will be communicated in the weeks to come.  Please read below for details regarding everything that is coming up.

Fall Kickoff Sunday – Sept. 11

This week Sunday is Kickoff Sunday.  We are looking forward to a great time together.  Bring a lawn chair and dress for the weather.  Feel free to also bring an umbrella or a hat if it is really sunny.  Note: There will be no livestream this week since the service will be outdoors.  We invite you to join us in person if you are able.

  • Coffee/gathering time – 9:30AM
  • Outdoor worship service – 10:30AM
  • Pizza lunch – following the service
  • Carnival type games, a climbing wall and many prizes to be won by participating

Golf Tournament – Sept. 11, 3:00PM

For all of you golfers out there, you are invited to join us for a golf tournament at 3:00 this Sunday at Girouxsalem Golf Course.  Contact John Banman to sign up or for more details: 204-371-7090.

Junior & Senior Youth – Sept. 13 & 15

Our new youth pastor Josh Fehr is looking forward to kickoff week.  Junior youth kicks off Tuesday, Sept. 13, 7:00PM and Senior youth kicks off Thursday, Sept. 15, 7:00PM.  Parents, click here to register your child for youth.  You can also find a link to the youth schedule on our website: Youth Upcoming Events.

Sunday school kickoff – Sept. 18, 9:30AM

Sunday school starts September 18.  If you have not yet registered you can do so here.  Registration will also be available before Sunday school on the 18th.  We have classes for all ages.  For adults, we have five different classes starting this fall. 

  •  Foundations: Core Truths of the Bible taught by Pastor Garth
  • Gospel of John taught by Arden Thiessen
  • She Reads Truth – a ladies class taught by Arlene Riedeger and Heather Wiebe
  • Mixed Adult class taught by Harold, Randy and Steve
  • Parenting/Caregivers Class taught by Andrea Dyck

Blessings to you and your families!
Pastor Jason
On behalf of the staff at SEMC


Greetings SEMC,

We hope that you are all enjoying the summer.  As we roll into August we are excited for and diligently planning for fall.  As part of that planning we would like to share with you a couple of upcoming events.

Leadership Development Day – August 27, 9:00am – 1:00pm

This is an event/training day designed for everyone at SEMC who is serving in any role.

Join us for a morning of vision casting and equipping SEMC volunteers as leaders.

Here is a bit of a snapshot of what the morning will look like:

Leadership Development Morning Schedule

  • 9:00 – Coffee and Light Breakfast
  • 9:30 – Group Session 1
  •            – Welcome Ministries
    • – Youth Ministries
    • – Worship Arts
    • – Christian Education
    • – Life Groups
  • 10:45 – Coffee and Snacks
  • 11:00 – Group Session 2 and Worship
  • 12:00 – Lunch

RSVP Here by 21 August and let the office know of any dietary requirements.

Fall Kickoff Sunday – Sept. 11

We are also excited to share with you some of our plans for kickoff Sunday.  After such an enjoyable kickoff event last year we are planning something similar for this coming fall.

As part of that we are looking for donations of gently used stuffed animals, games, toys, action figures, etc. for our prize tent! (these toys will be cleaned and sanitized.)

We are also looking for volunteers for food service and kids’ activities. Sign up at the connect center, by calling the church office, or by using this link.

Worship Service – 10:00 AM, Gathering time @ 9:30

We invite you to join us for our worship service at 10:00am.  This week Josh Dueck will be bringing us the message from Psalm 146.  As always, we invite you to come a little early, stay a little late and enjoy connecting with one another.  This is an important part of being the church together.  Hope to see you there!

If you would like to hear a “Phil and Tammy Africa Update”, join us in the Youth Room after the worship service.

Summer Children’s Programming

This week SHINE (ages 3 to Kindergarten) and IGNITE (grades 1-5) will be taking place.  Kids and their parents can meet by the youth room.  Here are the dates for the upcoming children’s ministry services: Aug. 7 & 21.

Afghan Refugee Committee Update

The Afghan Refugee Committee is looking for a place to store donated items for our Afghan Refugee Family.  If you have a space available, please contact Peter Toews at 204-392-5496.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason
On behalf of the staff at SEMC


Greetings SEMC,

 If you could know the future, would you want to know?  More specifically, if you could know the details of what your future holds – the good, the bad and the ugly – would you want to know?  This is a question someone asked me recently as he was reflecting on some of the difficult stuff he was going through.  I thank God for the many blessings I have received, for the people He has put in my life and the opportunities I have.  But, as we all know, life is full of challenging and difficult times as well.  Yet, as much as we don’t enjoy going through them, God is present with us through them and He uses them to shape us into His character and likeness.  Therefore, let us follow the wisdom found in the Scriptures and turn our eyes toward Jesus.  Let us walk by faith knowing that God is good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Youth Pastor Update

Josh has started!  So far he has spent his first week getting oriented.  He is looking forward to meeting our youth, our youth leader teams and our congregation.  If you would like to connect with him or invite him over for a meal/coffee/dessert send us a message and we will help make that happen.  You can also contact Josh  directly at jfehr@semconline.com.

Gathering time – 9:30AM

Our summer worship services begin at 10:00am.  But we invite you to come a little bit early to gather together for fellowship before the service.  We invite you to bring your own coffee/tea/water.   If you would like to bring some snacks to share for this time you are certainly welcome to.

Worship Service – 10:00AM

We invite you to join us for our worship service at 10:00am.  This week Pastor Garth will be bringing us the message from Psalm 1.  Hope to see you there!

Unfortunately last week’s service is no longer viewable due to some technical difficulties.  However, Pastor Jason has recorded the sermon again and you can find it on our YouTube channel.  The sermon is titled, “When everything seems to go wrong,” from Psalm 13.

Summer Children’s Programming

During these summer months our kids programs will run for the entire duration of the service.  IGNITE is for kids in grades 1 to 5.  SHINE Kids is for those ages 3 to Kindergarten.  Kids and their parents can meet by the youth room.  Here are the dates for the upcoming children’s ministry services: Aug. 7 & 21.

 Afghan Refugee Committee Update

The Afghan Refugee Committee is looking for a place to store donated items for our Afghan Refugee Family. If you have space available, please contact Peter Toews at 204-392-5496.

Blessings to you and your families!

Pastor Jason
On behalf of the staff at SEMC