Passion Week 2021


  • 12:05 to 12:50p.m.
  • Contemplative prayer and reflection with organ music by Michael Pasloski.
  • A variety of scripture-based prayers sheets are available online.
  • Readings are from The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas À Kempis. (Translated from the Latin into modern English).
  • Prayers are from Take Our Moments and Our Days (Vol. 2) – by Arthur Paul Boers.
  • Scripture reading from the New Living Translation.


Monday – March 29th 

Scripture:  John 12:20 – 36 (The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified)

Reading:   The Love of Solitude and Silence.


Tuesday – March 30th 

Scripture:  Mark 11:27 – 33 (Jesus’ authority questioned)

Reading:   The Intimate Friendship of Jesus.


Wednesday – March 31st 

Scripture:  Matthew 26:1 – 5 (Jesus predicts His crucifixion)

Reading:   Listen Humbly to the Words of God.  Many Do Not Heed Them.


Thursday – April 1st 

Scripture:  Luke 22:7 – 13 (preparation for the Passover meal)

Reading:   The Body of Christ and the Sacred Scripture are Most Necessary to a Faithful Soul.


Service outline (times are approximate)

12:05 –  Organ music, prayer and reflection

12:20 –  Scripture, reading and prayer

12:25 –  Prayer requests (online)

12:30 –  Pray together

12:40 –  Organ music, reflection and prayer